Surviving a Timeshare Ambush

Part 3: Wait, What Just Happened…?

Laury Browning


If you‘d like to read the first two parts of this story, start here:

After tolerating (mystifyingly) hours of relentless sales pressure and a brief moment of clarity from a bathroom-stall-prayer, I walked outside, and reluctantly moved in the direction of the war room. That’s when I noticed something undeniable.

It was bloody hot! Really awful. I was standing right in front of the water, and it felt like a boiler room. For the first time, I heard these words pinging inside my head: I don’t like it here. I walked back into the sales office, and shockingly, I communicated truthfully. “It’s really hot out there at the waterfront, and …why aren’t there any people here…laying outside, on the beach, walking around, at the restaurant?”



Laury Browning

A teacher/writer, the youngest daughter of Pat and Shirley Boone. Perspective: a member of a family with a public persona, and a sort-of preacher’s kid